Home Learning
We have reviewed and changed our homework policy as a result of recent research from the Education Endowment Foundation and in consultation with staff.
In essence, here at Aston Hall J&I School, we have a strong commitment to parental involvement and wish to see homework as a way of developing this partnership. We define home learning as an activity that pupils undertake outside of school lesson time, either on their own or with the support of family members.
Why give home learning?
- It can inform parents about work going on in class
- It can further stimulate enthusiasm for learning
- It takes advantage of the home environment and resources and provides the chance for some one to one adult time to support in their learning.
- It can be a great source for gathering topic information to share with all the children
- It is a great opportunity to rehearse key skills such as times tables and spelling
- It helps to foster good habits of organisation and self-discipline in preparation for the demands of Secondary School
What does home learning look like for pupils at Aston Hall J&I?
We support all of the above principles and we feel that Aston Hall is a school at which we wish home learning to complement home life and to be a positive experience. We believe that homework should be completed often and in small amounts.
Home learning is set via our ClassDojo platform or in paper form via their homework books. There will also be links to different websites sent on class dojo in order for children to practice skills.
There are also opportunities for many children to attend Learning workshops before and after school which incorporate developing knowledge and skills further.
Our routines and expectations
Depending on the age of your child, this will vary to a degree.
Home learning will consist of:
- Reading at least three times a week. This can either be reading to an adult or being read to by an adult. We view reading as a two way process. It is important to encourage the children to have an enjoyment of reading rather than seeing it as a chore.
- Spellings – these will be appropriate to each year group and set by class teachers weekly (where applicable).
- Subject based projects/research – children will be given a half termly menu of home learning activities linked to their learning in school. They are encouraged to complete these activities which they can choose from on a weekly basis.
- Maths home learning will be completed using ‘TT rockstars” from Y2 upwards.
- Year 6 pupils may be asked to do an increased level of home learning in preparation for the demands of secondary school
We expect children to maintain the same standards of presentation of home learning as we set in school.
Adaptations to home learning will be made to ensure it is accessible to all.
What to do if you have concerns?
If you find the home learning inappropriate for your child, if they lack interest, if it becomes a battleground or if you are concerned that home learning is given inconsistently please talk with your child’s class teacher in the first instance.
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