“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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School News

KS1 Reading Groups!

This week, KS1 have started their reading groups! They have met their new reading teacher who will listen to them read three times per week in

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School News

KS1 Planetarium Visit!

Wow, what an amazing experience KS1 had last Friday. The planetarium visit was incredible! They learnt all about planet earth, light pollution, the first Moon

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School News

Y1 Study Keith Haring!

In Art, Year 1 have been studying Keith Haring. Keith Haring is a famous pop artist whose style includes bright colours, and a thick black

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School News

Y1 Final Art Pieces!

Year 1 have produced some stunning final pieces of art from our Louis Masai Michel unit of work. The children in Y1AP used oil pastels

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School Trips

KS1 Visit the Deep

The KS1 classes had a wonderful time visiting The Deep this week. They saw lots of sea life including fish, sea turtles, jelly fish, penguins,

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In The Community

Outdoor Art Session

We had a fantastic time with Pop’s in the wild area on Thursday! We created a huge piece of artwork based on an animal linked

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School News

KS1 Reading Groups!

This week, KS1 have started their reading groups! They have met their new reading teacher who will listen to them read three times per week in

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