“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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School News

Deaf Awareness Week 2024

On May 6th to May 12th 2024, it’s Deaf Awareness Week, this is a significant time dedicated to increasing public understanding of Deaf culture, history,

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School News

Y3/4 Dynamos Cricket Competition!

We are immensely proud of our Y3/4 cricket team, who enthusiastically participated in the Dynamos Cricket competition yesterday. Their performance was truly outstanding; not only

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School News

Y1 Final Art Pieces!

Year 1 have produced some stunning final pieces of art from our Louis Masai Michel unit of work. The children in Y1AP used oil pastels

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FS2 Piet Mondrian Art Study!

This week, FS2 are exploring the artwork of Piet Mondrian. We’re creating our own versions of his abstract paintings! We’ve talked about the shapes, colours

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School Council

Student Council Meeting!

The student council have been busy asking their classmates what equipment they would like to have for their playground.  They then had a meeting, and

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School News

Hatching Ducklings!

This term, the children in Foundation Stage were super ‘eggcited’ when their surprise egg delivery arrived! They were able to watch some of the ducklings

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School News

Calculating Angles in Maths!

Last week, Y5LD were working hard on classifying, estimating and calculating angles. The children displayed fantastic teamwork and problem-solving skills. Well done everyone!

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School News

KS1 Planetarium Visit!

Wow, what an amazing experience KS1 had last Friday. The planetarium visit was incredible! They learnt all about planet earth, light pollution, the first Moon

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