“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Y5’s Library Visit

Year 5 walked to the library and enjoyed spending time looking in books and learning about how the library is organised.  Whilst we were there,

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Author Visits Aston Hall

We were all excited to welcome an author – Daniel Henshaw – into our assembly. Children throughout school enjoyed listening to him and solving the

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Rotherham School Games

On Friday 7th October some of our Y5/6  took part in the first event in the Rotherham School Games’ 2022/23 calendar, which was Tag Rugby.

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Y5 Reading Wonder

In English, we have been enjoying reading our novel study book Wonder and have used the events in this novel to write diary entries from

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KS1 Planetarium Visit!

Wow, what an amazing experience KS1 had last Friday. The planetarium visit was incredible! They learnt all about planet earth, light pollution, the first Moon

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