This week, Aston Hall School Council have been very busy! They collated the feedback from the student surveys, which were handed out before Christmas, and looked through the new reading rewards, which include glitter pens, scented pencils, small key ring fidgets, and much more! These were all selected by children in school, and the council gathered the feedback of their peers.
Today, they had another meeting and discussed what the theme of this year’s World Book Day could be. After a look in the library for some inspiration, the School Council decided on Heroes and Villains! This can be a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ character from any book or story. Please be as creative as you’d like and don’t worry if you do not fit the theme perfectly.
World Book Day is about the children celebrating their love of reading, and having a fun day that entices them to enjoy it even more. This year, it takes place on Thursday 6th March, and we can’t wait to see some amazing, creative costumes!