“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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FS2 Emergency Services Museum and Police Visit!

Our FS2 children have had a very exciting week! They were all amazingly well-behaved at the Sheffield Emergency Services Museum which was also their first ever school trip. They were fascinated by all the emergency services vehicles from the past, and learnt all about what to do in lots of different emergency scenarios. 

As well as this, linked to our ‘Can you Take Care of Me?’ theme this half term, the children were really excited to receive a visit from PCSO Ahern and PCSO Penman in their police car. The children listened beautifully, and enjoyed dressing up in uniform and having a turn in the police car! We had lots of the children inspired – saying they’d like to be a police officer when they grow up.

Well done everyone!


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Measuring in Y3/4

This week, Y3/4 have been working on measuring in both meters and centimeters. They took part in a fun, educational activity, which was to measure

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