“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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January Careers Focus – Science – Jenny Hyland Visit

This month, we had another fantastic assembly with a visitor linked to our careers curriculum focus for January, which is Science. 
Jenny Hyland, a parent of a child in school, is the director of global learning & development for WeightWatchers
She gave a brilliant presentation to the children about how her interests in subjects at school led to her studies at University and early occupations. 
She talked about how key curriculum subjects like Science, Art, English and Maths are all key within different teams within the organisation she works for, such as finance, design, marketing and research & development. 
She explained about her job as director of global learning & development for such a huge international company. 
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Measuring in Y3/4

This week, Y3/4 have been working on measuring in both meters and centimeters. They took part in a fun, educational activity, which was to measure

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