“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Summer Fayre 2023

On Tuesday 18th July, despite the wet weather, Aston Hall J&I held it’s annual Summer Fayre. With hundreds of children and families from our school community attending, it was a huge success. Our Friends of Aston Hall group, led by Mrs Hicks, raised over £1200 for school fund to be spent on projects for the children next academic year. 
As well as external stalls from local companies and self employed businesses, all classes in school prepared products during their enterprise activities to sell on their class stall too. The regular school stalls of the teddy tombola, raffle, bottle tombola and refreshments were popular too and a great time was had by all despite the constant downpour outside. 
Thank you to everyone in our school community who attended.
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The Biggest Football Session

Last Wednesday, all the students at Aston Hall took part in the England Football event, Biggest Ever Football Session. They had an incredible time, enjoying

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