“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Celebrating 20 Years’ Service!

On the 14th March 2023, Mrs Lindley, a Teaching Assistant at Aston Hall celebrated 20 years’ service with the school.

To celebrate, Mrs Lindley received a message in a card from every student at Aston Hall, was given some lovely gifts and also had a surprise afternoon tea after school with all the staff.

Mrs Lindley has worked across all year groups over the years, working with thousands of children, and the children love working with her.

Mrs Lindley said: “I feel so proud to say I’ve worked at Aston Hall for 20 years. I’ve worked with over five thousand children. My role within school is supporting our most vulnerable children running a Nurture provision. I absolutely love my job building relationships with each and every one of who attends at AH, watching them grow and achieve their goals everyday really is a privilege. A child from Y6 only last week said to me, “Mrs Lindley I know it’s going to be a good day when I walk into Nurture and I see your smile, I just know everything is going to be ok”.

That right there is why I love my job so much.”


Thank you for your service, Mrs Lindley – 20 years is an amazing achievement!


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