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Science Week Ended with a BANG!

Our Science Ambassadors worked super hard during Science Week! They worked as a team to generate homework ideas and performed a spectacular show for the school to end Science Week with a BANG! 💥

Hugo, Alice, and Evie performed the invisible fire extinguisher trick by mixing bicarbonate of soda and vinegar together to create a chemical reaction resulting in carbon dioxide. This was then captured in a glass and the invisible gas was used to put out a flame. 🔥🧯

Georgia and Jacob created a fizzing volcano by mixing bicarbonate of soda, citric acid, food colouring and vinegar together. The chemical reaction created lots of carbon dioxide bubbles and resulted in a fizzing volcano! 🌋

Noah, Nola, and Grace made popping rockets using vitamin C tablets and water. They poured water into a smaller tube, added some vitamin C tablets, which created lots of carbon dioxide gas, and put the lid back on! The gas increased the pressure inside the container and POPPED the lid making the tube fly into the air! 🚀

Miley and Charlotte used tea lights, a glass jar, and water to show how you can create a vacuum in a jar! They placed coloured water on a plate, added a lit tea light, and then placed the jar over the top. The flame burnt the oxygen inside the jar creating carbon dioxide, which then put the flame out. This caused the water to be sucked up into the jar due to a vacuum being created. 🪄

We finally finished our spectacular Science show with teabag fireworks and a toilet roll explosion! 🎇

Well done to our Science Ambassadors!
We can’t wait for next year 😄

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