It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in our Foundation Unit. The children have been extremely busy! We have been helping Santa in his workshop designing and making toys, wrapping presents and delivering to their friends.
Our writing area has become Santa’s Post Office and we have written letters to Santa, made cards for our friends and family and wrote tags for presents.
We have enjoyed learning about the Nativity story by retelling the events, dressing up as the main characters, making props and rehearsing and performing a play for our grown ups!
We enjoyed running in a Santa Dash and having a special visit from Santa. He gave us a present and he sang some songs with us.
The Christmas Fayre was super fun! We had an Elf on the Shelf HQ station where we made some magic dust for everybody’s Elf and had lots of Elf games everybody could join in with. One game had children trying to knock the elf from the shelf, another children had to guess how many sweets were trapped in the jar with the Elf and then the last game was to guess the Elf’s real name.
We have been super busy with our Christmas crafts as we have designed our own Christmas cards, created calendars in the style of Kandinsky and we have painted a design on a Christmas jumper or bauble.
We loved our Christmas party where we played lots of different games, danced to our favourite Christmas songs and enjoyed showing everybody our Christmas party outfits.