Outdoor Club!

We have been very busy for our first Outdoor Club of the year! We had a little look around the lovely new features we are so lucky to have had installed this summer – the polytunnel and the sensory garden area. Then, we collected sticks and leaves to bulk out our new plant pots before […]
Macmillan Coffee Morning!

We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who supported our Macmillan Coffee Morning on Tuesday! We managed to raise £154 and friends of Aston Hall are also donating an extra £50 for all the cakes donated. It was lovely to see everyone having a chat and a coffee for a great […]
Y2 Computing!

Y2GD have really enjoyed their Computing lessons, and have been working hard to log on and practise their skills. Everyone has been doing such a fantastic job, well done! #WeWorkHard
Sports Leaders and Playground Buddies!

Over 20 of our Year 5/6 students have been selected as our new Sports Leaders and Playground Buddies. They are already doing an amazing job ensuring that playground games and activities are set up every lunchtime, engaging all children across all year groups. They are demonstrating their confidence by leading games and taking care of […]
Skills Street Careers Assembly!

Last week, we enjoyed a great assembly where we were visited by James Beighton, Development Manager at Skills Street. Skills Street is an immersive and innovative careers training experience, developed to inspire and inform children, young people and adults across South Yorkshire. Based on the site at Gulliver’s Valley, we hope to work closely with Skills […]
Dough Disco Club!

This half term, Mrs Lindley has been running the Dough Disco Club! All the children have really enjoyed making lots of different shapes with play dough. Well done everyone!
Autumn Term After School Clubs!

It’s been a busy start to the Autumn term at Aston Hall, with lots of fantastic after school clubs up and running. Currently, the children can access our daily after school club, as well as Cheerleading, STEM Crazy Science Club, Young Voices Choir, Outdoor Club and Dough Disco Club. In our STEM Crazy Science Club, the children […]
Fun in Rainbows!

Rainbows have been so busy since starting back, they have had a dough disco, they’ve been looking after Fuggle, our school rabbit, and they’ve also been matching numbers and sharing their favourite books. Keep up the great work, you make Mrs Lindley very proud! #WeAreEquippedToLearn
KS1 Claude Monet Sketches!

This week, Year 1 and 2 have really enjoyed sketching our school landscape, in the style of our Autumn Artist Claude Monet. Over the next few weeks, they will be turning their sketches into paintings. Well done KS1!
‘Krindle Krax’ Launch in Y3/4!

As part of our Novel Launch ‘Krindle Krax’, Y3/4 enjoyed creating dragon and alligator eyes. You will not believe what is lurking under Lizard Street! Ruskin Spliter is about to find out… Well done everyone! #WeWorkHard