Y5/6 African Homework in Geography!

KS2 were set the challenge of creating something for their homework inspired by an African country of their choice – this links to our Geography topic this term. The children then shared their work with the class, asked each other questions and discussed the facts they’d learnt about their chosen country. We are so proud […]
Mental Health Day!

As part of our World Mental Health Day celebrations, KS2 classes have had an interactive Q&A session with Chelsea Captain and England international player, Reece James, who discussed how character strengths can have a positive impact on mental health. We’ve also created posters to inform people on how to look after our brain, we then […]
Art in Rainbows!

Art in Rainbows this week has been a great success! They have been learning about different textures and materials, and looking at different types of sensory tiles, some were hard and rough, and others were smooth and shiny. The children then went to draw some textures in their books, well done everyone! #WeTakePrideInOurWork
Y1 Teeth Cleaning in Science!

Y1 took part in an exciting Science lesson this week. They were learning about how to keep their teeth healthy and clean. Everyone used disclosing tablets to reveal hidden plaque. Each child was then given their own tooth brush, and shown how to brush properly. They learned that: 🦷 They must brush their teeth properly, for 2 […]
Outdoor Club Vegetable Harvest!

Last week, Aston Hall’s Outdoor Club had their first vegetable harvest! The children chitted potatoes in spring, and planted them in June. A lot of watering later and they have their very own, home-grown potatoes. They also have a late harvest of carrots coming, and all the children picked a baby one to try last […]
Going on a Line Hunt in Y3!

Y3 have been learning about different types of lines! This week, we went outside and investigated all the different lines we could find – horizontal, vertical, perpendicular and parallel. We also thought of fun ways to remember them, and recorded our findings into a table. Well done everyone! #WeWorkHard
Anti Bullying Assembly!

Last week, our Anti Bullying Ambassadors and Wellbeing Ambassadors held an assembly to feed back to the school some of the things they had learnt on their training last month! They did such a fantastic job, and should be very proud of themselves. Well done everyone! #WeTakePrideInOurWork
Y3/4 Harvest Prep!

Y3/4 have been working hard on their Harvest prep, by creating some beautiful pieces of art! We have also been looking at the poem, The Harvest Moon. The flame-red moon, the harvest moon,Rolls along the hills, gently bouncing,A vast balloon,Till it takes off, and sinks upwardTo lie on the bottom of the sky, like a […]
Panathlon Bowling Festival!

This week, our team did us proud at the Panathlon Ten Pin Bowling competition at Hollywood Bowl! Rotherham School Games and Panathlon orgasnised the amazing event. This competition allowed the children to showcase and develop their skills, whilst competing against other Rotherham Schools. Despite being a team member down, we still brought home the Bronze […]
Picking Carrots for Fuggle!

Our amazing after-school Gardening Club have grown and picked carrots for our school rabbit, Fuggle to enjoy. Thanks everyone, he’s a very lucky rabbit!