“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Fuggle’s Weekend Away!

This weekend, Fuggle really enjoyed his weekend with Mr Holmes. He had lots of yummy food and rest, ready for another fun week at Aston Hall!

PE in Rainbows!

This week, Rainbows really enjoyed their PE session! Their lesson included lots of jumping, climbing and catching, and they did such a fantastic job! Well done Rainbows. 😊 #WeTakePrideInOurWork

Y5/6 Utilita Kids Cup Tournament 2024

Last week, Year 5 and 6 had a fantastic day, when they took part in the Utilita Kids Cup Tournament 2024 against 28 other schools, and won! The Year 5 and 6 boys performed amazingly and showed excellent team work, great football skills, and represented the values of the Aston Hall Way’s core values. We […]

AH Harvest Festival!

Last Wednesday, Aston Hall celebrated Harvest Festival by visiting the Central Methodist Church in Aston.  They sang, showed art work, and read poems, as well as taking part in a harvest activity with the staff from the church. The whole school were amazing and they really did us proud. Well done Aston Hall! #WeTakePrideInOurWork 

Y6 Crucial Crew Visit!

Year 6 had a fabulous time at the Community Safety at Lifewise Centre with Crucial Crew. While they were there, they took part in lots of different scenarios, and learnt how to keep themselves and others safe – especially now that we’re aged 10 and criminally responsible. Everyone also found it really interesting visiting a magistrates […]

Claude Monet Art in Y2!

This half term, Year 2 have been studying Claude Monet in their Art lessons. Over the last couple of weeks, they have been creating their own Harvest landscapes in the impressionist style, inspired by Claude Monet. The children then showed their artwork and talked about their inspiration during Harvest Festival. Well done Y2! #WeTakePrideInOurWork

Spooky Skeletons in Rainbows!

This week, Rainbows have been working hard on their spooky skeleton pictures! The children used cotton buds to make a wonderful piece of art, after they had a viewing of funny bones. Great work, well done Rainbows! #WeWorkHard

Halloween Pictures in Rainbows!

This week, Rainbows have been using oil pastels in their Art lesson to make a Halloween picture! Later this week, they will also be adding spiders. Great job Rainbows, Mrs Lindley is super proud! #WeAreEquippedToLearn

Column Addition in Y3/4!

This week, Y3/4 had an introduction to column addition in Maths, they worked super hard to understand this, and they didn’t give up and did so well to get there in the end. Well done everyone! #WeWorkHard

The Gruffalo in FS2!

This week, FS2 have been learning about the story of ‘The Gruffalo’ by Julia Donaldson. They have thoroughly enjoyed the story, acting it out themselves in the role play area, writing CVC words about the Gruffalo, getting active with Gruffalo yoga, going on a Gruffalo hunt in the Wild Area, and making Gruffalo faces in […]

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