“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Y5 Friends Through Futsal Event!

A huge thank you to Rotherham United for inviting us to their Friends Through Futsal event last Friday! Our Year 5 squad had an incredible experience, enjoying a day filled with excitement, teamwork, and plenty of goals. The team played at a high standard, demonstrating exceptional skill, determination, and resilience in every match. It was fantastic to […]

Christmas Pantomime!

This week, we had a lovely visit from Chaplins Pantomimes, where they performed Jack and the Beanstalk for our KS1 and EYFS children! The children absolutely loved it, and were so enthusiastic. Thank you Chaplins! #WeListenToOthers

AH Christmas Fayre!

Last week at Aston Hall, we held our annual Christmas Fayre. It was an amazing turn out from the parents and children, and we managed to raise over £1800 for the school! The stalls included games, Santa keys, chocolate, cupcakes, and a special visit from Santa and his elf. A huge thank you to staff […]

AH Christmas Carol Concert!

On Friday 6th December, Y1-6 enjoyed a fantastic carol concert with our Trust Music Teachers, who provided a brass ensemble for our carols. The children enjoyed using this as a warm up in preparation for Carols in the Community in a few weeks time, and they all enjoyed a sing along to get into the […]

Rotherham School Games Hockey Competition!

Well done to the Aston Hall students who recently put in some amazing performances against the other schools, in the School Games Girls and Boys 7 a side Hockey Competitions. These were both “Compete” events, and therefore there was an expectation that teams had been given substantial input before the event to allow a high […]

Y4 Skipping School!

Last week, the ‘Skipping School’ visited Aston Hall to teach the children various skills. They all did an amazing job, and thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon! They will be building on the skills learnt with the aims of showcasing these in the new year, as part of a skipping competition. Great work, well done Y4! #WeListenToOthers 

FS2 Emergency Services Museum and Police Visit!

Our FS2 children have had a very exciting week! They were all amazingly well-behaved at the Sheffield Emergency Services Museum which was also their first ever school trip. They were fascinated by all the emergency services vehicles from the past, and learnt all about what to do in lots of different emergency scenarios.  As well […]

Y5/6 Girls Hockey Tournament!

On Tuesday 26th November, seven of our Year 5/6 girls attended the Rotherham School Games hockey tournament. They demonstrated tremendous teamwork and fantastic hockey skills, encouraging their teammates throughout. Everyone worked hard for one another, and scored some fantastic team goals. The girls finished 3rd out of 7, and should be extremely proud of themselves! […]

Y1 Take Science Outside!

Last week, Y1 took their Science lesson outside, to discover the differences between evergreen and deciduous trees. The children had lots of fun up in the wild area, spotting the trees and their features. Great work, well done everyone! #WeAreEquippedToLearn

Science Fun in Y3!

In Science this week, we learned how muscles make bones move, then followed instructions to make a moving arm joint with bones and muscles! The card tubes were the three bones in the arm, and the balloons represented our bicep and tricep muscles. Great work, well done Y3! #WeAreAlwaysLearning

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