Careers Assembly!

This morning, we welcomed Mr Cartwright, a parent of an Aston Hall child, who delivered a fantastic assembly all about his career working for the NHS, as a Clinical Scientist. The children discovered how the job of a Scientist links to Science lessons in school, and they discussed becoming Scientists themselves, exploring genetics and DNA. They […]
Carols in the Community 2024

Thank you to everyone who attended our annual Carols In The Community event on Wednesday evening. We had an amazing turnout, enjoying hot chocolates, mince pies, and biscuits before walking around the local streets singing carols. We enjoyed our final stop at Aston All Saints Church with a Christmas service, a few readings by Y6 children, […]
Aston Hall Santa Dash 2024

Every year at Aston Hall, we link our Christmas Jumper Day to our annual Santa Dash, where children fundraise for three amazing charities. We support Rotherham Hospice Save the Children and the Sheffield Children’s Hospital via our ‘snowflake’. This year, the children enjoyed an amazing Santa Dash, and even had a visit from a certain […]
SEND Newsletter – Autumn 2024

Our latest SEND Newsletter is here! Click the button below to see what we’ve been up to. Click here
AH Outdoor Club!

Outdoor Club had a really exciting Autumn term – from welcoming the new polytunnel in short sleeves, to harvesting carrots in -4 degrees and snow! The children planted elephant garlic and hanging baskets, and finally spent time planning what to grow in the Spring after the Winter break. Keep an eye out for updates next […]
School Council Meeting

This half term, Aston Hall’s School Council have had two meetings. They had a short meeting to discuss some things they wanted to change in school, and how they could gather feedback. The councillors went home and recorded some information to bring back to their next meeting, and they decided to revamp the reading rewards […]
Y6 Pops Outdoor Adventure!

Last week, all Year 6 children had a fabulous time with Pops Outdoor Adventure completing their Science topic, forces. They learnt about pulley systems, and how these can be used to make it easier when moving objects. Year 6 then built their own pulley systems using a 4:1 ratio, and tested these out to see […]
AH Proud Podium!

A huge well done to all of these amazing Aston Hall students, who have been to the Proud Podium recently for their fantastic achievements, in and out of school. You’re all absolute superstars. 😊 #WeAreProudOfOurAchievements
KS1 Nativity Hosanna Rock 2024

Last week, KS1 performed their Christmas Nativity, Hosanna Rocks, to the school and parents. The children have been working hard learning their lines, knowing when to come on and off stage, and remembering the words and the dances to the songs! It was a traditional nativity with a rock theme, including songs from some well-known […]
Book and Biscuit Club!

This week, children enjoyed their last Book and Biscuit Club of the term with a creamy hot chocolate to get them into the festive spirit. Mrs Lindley would also like to say a very big well done to all the children, for being so fantastic and respectful during their time in the club. You’re all […]