KS1 Visitor!

In KS1 we have been learning about the History of Schools as part of our History topic! On Monday morning, we were excited to welcome Craig Holmes to our school for a visit. Craig is an ex-student of Aston Hall, who attended the school in the 1990s. Craig shared memories of the school, past teachers, events, […]
Y4 Rotherham Titans Rugby Visit!

Our Y4 children have been visited by Rotherham Titans Rugby, who have led some practical and theory lessons! The children have developed their knowledge on healthy eating and the benefits this can have when combined with exercise. Well done Y4! #WeListenToOthers
Anti-Bullying Training!

Last week, our Anti Bullying Ambassadors and our Wellbeing Ambassadors took part in some training linked to The Diana Award. We will aim to meet every half term and discuss our action plan, which will help us gain our ‘Wellbeing Badge’. Throughout the school year, we will be revamping and highlighting some amazing things that […]
FS2 Art Study!

This week, the children have been learning about the artist ‘Andy Goldsworthy’ and created their own natural, transient art inspired by him, and also by the story ‘Leaf Man’. They thought carefully about the natural materials they could use for their art, as well as the shapes, colours and patterns they could make. They had […]
KS1 Reading Groups!

This week, KS1 have started their reading groups! They have met their new reading teacher who will listen to them read three times per week in school. The first session focuses on decoding the text, the second session focuses on fluency, and the third session focuses on comprehension. You can also support your child by listening to […]
Phonics in Rainbows!

This week in Rainbows, the children have been working super hard on their Phonics skills, and have been practising their new sounds. Everyone has done such a fantastic job, Mrs Lindley is very proud!
FS2 Pops Outdoor Adventure Session!

FS2 really enjoyed their first Pops Outdoor Adventure session in the ‘Wild Area’. They learnt all about different woodland animals and were fantastic at guessing the animal being described. Well done everyone!
Lord Hayward OBE Y6 Talk

On Friday, Y6 had the opportunity to speak to Lord Hayward OBE, who is a member of the House of Lords. They found out how the House of Lords operates, then had the chance to ask him lots of questions to learn about him and his role. Well done Y6!
Learning With Y3/4!

This week, Y3/4 have learnt so much, and worked super hard! In Art, the children discussed the idea that people have expressed their thoughts and feelings by drawing, painting or carving pictures onto rocks and stone surfaces for thousands of years. Y3/4 then made Petroforms (pet-ro-forms), which are pictures laid out on the ground using […]
Celebrating 20 Years of Mrs Booth!

This week marks 20 years since Mrs Booth started teaching at Aston Hall! During this time, she has seen so many changes and taught around 600 children within our school community. It was only right that we celebrated this in school with the staff and children. Mrs Booth was even the proud recipient of the […]