“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

The Biggest Football Session

Last Wednesday, all the students at Aston Hall took part in the England Football event, Biggest Ever Football Session. They had an incredible time, enjoying a variety of football activities, and showcasing fantastic skills, teamwork, and encouragement for one another. We would also like to say a massive thank you to Mrs Rodgers, who coached […]

Y2 Create Imaginary Worlds

This week, Year 2 watched a live lesson about the book ‘Our Tower’ by Joseph Coelho. The children then had lots of fun creating their own imaginary worlds, and used them to create a fantastic description of the setting with very impressive vocabulary. Well done Y2! #WeWorkHard #WeAreAlwaysLearning

Y5/6 South American Homework

Y5 and Y6 have really impressed everyone with the efforts they have put into their latest homework project, which was to create something inspired by a South American country, linking to our Geography topic. The children spent time looking at each other’s work, and many children presented their projects to the whole class, showing great […]

Young Voices 2025

Last week, Aston Hall’s amazing singing superstars attended Young Voices 2025! It was a truly memorable event, where they sang their hearts out and danced until the very end. The performances were incredible, and our children showed off some amazing talent and enthusiasm.  Everyone represented Aston Hall fantastically, and should be extremely proud of themselves! […]

Y3 Girls Football Festival

On Tuesday 4th March, Year 3 girls had a fantastic time at the #letgirlsplay football festival at Wath Academy! They practiced key skills and showed great enthusiasm. From dribbling skills to shooting practice, everyone tried their best! They thoroughly enjoyed themselves and are now more interested in playing football as they were actively engaged and […]

Y3/4 Sculptures

Y3/4 have been exploring the amazing work of Henry Moore, the famous sculptor from Castleford, Yorkshire. He is best known for his monumental bronze sculptures, but he also made carvings, drawings, prints, and designed textiles and tapestries. Y3/4 were inspired to explore different media to create their sculptures, and used masking tape to do this. […]

World Book Day 2025

On Thursday 6th March, the children from Aston Hall took part in World Book Day. Everyone took part in lots of activities throughout the day, such as making keyrings from leather, and decorating them linked to their character or book. They were imprinted with ‘World Book Day’ or ‘2025’ by the activity leaders, and children […]

Y1 Art

In Art, Y1 have been learning about ceramics. They studied ceramicists, looked at real ceramics, and annotated pictures of them in their art books. They then created their own clay tile designs, and made them using clay on Friday. This week, Y1 have painted their designs, and even mixed their own colours. They look amazing, […]

Pancake Activities in Rainbows!

On Tuesday 4th March, Rainbows had lots of fun taking part in pancake activities for Pancake Day! They designed their very own pancakes, and will be making these later in the week. Fantastic work, well done everyone! #WeWorkHard

Sentence Work in Rainbows

This week, Rainbows have been working super hard building their own sentences to make them sound more exciting and interesting. The children also took part in lego therapy, and worked brilliantly as a team. Great work, Mrs Lindley is so proud! #WeWorkHard

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