WPT Easter Competition 2024

Over the holidays, we held an Easter competition, which was open to all students across the Trust. The challenge was to take an Easter themed selfie/photo, or create a design. We had some fantastic entries and enjoyed seeing all of the creative things that our students got up to over the half term! But while […]
Rotherham Family Hub – Friendly, Welcoming Spaces

Families can access this support in-person at a number of one-stop shops across the borough and online through the Rotherham Council website, making it easier to get the information, advice or support that you need when raising children. Families with children aged 0 to 19 (or up to 25 for those with additional needs) can […]
Exploring Ancient Egypt

Y3PB had an exciting introduction to our new Geography and History topics of Egypt and Ancient Egyptians with POP’s outdoor adventure. We had a great time with a mummifying competition then used clay and gold paint to create our own cartouche engraved with hieroglyphs of our choice.
Final day of Spring term & Easter Bonnet Parade

Thank you to all of the children who took part in this year’s Easter Bonnet Parade. The creations get more extravagant and amazing each year! 🤩 Check out the pictures of some of the winners. Staff chose two favourites from each class who won an Easter treat. We also drew the Easter raffle and presented […]
Final Proud Podium Superstars of the Spring Term

We held our final Proud Podium last week before the end of the Spring Term. Well done to these superstars for working hard and getting recognised by their teachers! Dailan has made amazing progress in his phonics learning this term, working so hard in class and interventions. Amazing Dailan well done. Elyse has blown Mrs […]
Easter Eggstravaganza! 🐣

Wow! We can’t believe that we had 85 entries for this year’s Easter Eggstravaganza craft competition. Have a look at all the amazing entries. Last week, the School Council, Eco Council and school staff all voted for their favourites with 10 votes each to use on different creations. We had our top 10 winners who […]
Eco-Coucil Litter Picking ♻🗑

The Eco-Council have been litter picking last week around our local area. We walked in and around school collecting litter in our community. We have taken part in the Great British spring clean to help towards our goal of receiving the eco schools green flag award. The children worked as a team and had to […]
#LETGIRLSPLAY Festival 2024

Some of our Year 3 girls attended this fantastic event hosted by Wath Academy and was part of the ‘Girls’ Football School Partnerships Project’ It was an “Inspire and Engage” event where the aim is to give Y3 girls, who don’t already play football, a positive experience of Football in the hope that they will […]
Aston Hall Student Council Judge the ‘Eggstravaganza’ Competition 🐣

Every year, as part of our Easter celebrations, children make an “Eggstravaganza scene” based on something of their choice. We had many entries this year and the Student Council helped choose the winners which were announced in yesterday’s assembly!
Y4HS become First Aiders 🚨

Y4HS had a visitor from First Aid Schools who lead a first aid workshop. The children learnt about various situations, how to ring emergency services, the recovery position and how to correctly apply a sling to an injured person.