Aston Hall Environmental Superstar!

Aston Hall’s Eliza combined her passion for looking after the environment with her English skills, and wrote a formal letter to our local MP about rubbish that she saw had been dumped in Ulley Brook Reservoir. She put her points forward clearly, and made suggestions about what could be done to protect the wildlife and […]
Hatching Ducklings!

This term, the children in Foundation Stage were super ‘eggcited’ when their surprise egg delivery arrived! They were able to watch some of the ducklings hatch, and help look after them, including taking them swimming. They’ve learnt all about the duck’s life cycle and how to take care of them. The children chose the names: […]
Calculating Angles in Maths!

Last week, Y5LD were working hard on classifying, estimating and calculating angles. The children displayed fantastic teamwork and problem-solving skills. Well done everyone!
Y5/6 Girls Football Competition!

What a fantastic day for Aston Hall Junior & Infant School, as we took part in the U11 Girls Football Competition. The Year 5 & 6 girls demonstrated fantastic football skills and showed excellent teamwork and communication. The girls who already play competitively for a team outside of school demonstrated great leadership skills, and all […]
LKS2 The Explorer Hunt!

This week LKS2 have been gathering clues about our new class novel! They completed a treasure hunt around school, solved anagrams, listened to sound clips and pieced together the front cover. We can now reveal our new novel study text is The Explorer. Well done everyone!
Introducing Aston Hall Outdoor Club!

Aston Hall has a brand new Outdoor Club, and we have already been very busy! Last week, we sanded and painted some wooden planters ready to fill with bedding plants to brighten our playground. This week, we have planted our seed potatoes into grow bags. Keep an eye out for our next outdoor projects, well […]
Y3/4 Shadow Science!

Y3/4 have been exploring shadows! They have learnt that shadows are created when a source of light shines on an object but the light is blocked, and does not pass through it. Great work, well done Y3/4!
FS2 Farm Trip!

FS2 had a fantastic time at Cannon Hall Farm! They started the day with a tour of the animals, led by the Farmers. The children saw a variety of farm animals such as pigs, sheep, goats, alpacas and highland cows, as well as some more unusual animals – meerkats, mongoose, ferrets and reptiles in the […]
Gulliver’s Kingdom!

Last week, LKS2 went on their first ever residential trip! They stayed overnight at Gulliver’s Valley and took part in loads of exciting activities such as laser tag, indoor caving, rock art and mini golf. They had access to lots of the rides at the park and also developed their survival skills by learning to […]
Raising Money for Rabbit Fuggle!

Some of the students have been making things in their own time over Easter, in order to raise money for the school rabbit, Fuggle. Thank you so much to everyone who put work into creating something, Mrs Lindley is very proud. Well done!