Using Chromebooks With Y1!

Year 1AP are becoming much more competent and confident when logging in and using the Chromebooks. This week, we used them in our Maths lesson to play an interactive game, learning left, right, forwards and backwards directions. Well done Year 1!
Y3/4 Electric Circuits!

This week, Y3/4 have been exploring the main parts of a circuit. An electric circuit has three parts: An energy source – like a battery or mains power.An energy receiver – like a lightbulb.An energy pathway – like a wire. A wire helps to direct the electrons around the device. They really enjoyed problem solving […]
Y6 SATs Celebrations!

Year 6, you have absolutely smashed SATs week and blown us all away with your hard work, attitude and resilience. Everyone at Aston Hall is so proud of you all! Following our last test, Y6 celebrated in style with Domino’s pizza for lunch, and then we all enjoyed the surprise of receiving our leavers’ hoodies. […]
Y1/2 Sports Day Skills in PE!

Children in Y1/2MH and Y2GD have been practicing their sports day skills in PE! They have been using the javelins, balancing with the egg and spoon, relay racing and many other activities. Great work, well done everyone!
Deaf Awareness Week 2024

On May 6th to May 12th 2024, it’s Deaf Awareness Week, this is a significant time dedicated to increasing public understanding of Deaf culture, history, and the challenges faced by the Deaf community. This week, Aston Hall has encouraged children to participate in activities that promote better communication and greater inclusivity. As you can see […]
Maths Doubles in FS2!

This week in Maths, FS2 learnt all about doubles! They know all the double facts up to 10 and used ladybirds to ensure both sides were equal. They were also very good at explaining to each other why their ladybird was showing a double. They used stem sentences such as “4 and 4 make 8” […]
Y3/4 Dynamos Cricket Competition!

We are immensely proud of our Y3/4 cricket team, who enthusiastically participated in the Dynamos Cricket competition yesterday. Their performance was truly outstanding; not only did they demonstrate exceptional cricket skills by catching and bowling out opponents, but they also displayed sportsmanship and support for each other throughout the event. Well done everyone!
Y1 Final Art Pieces!

Year 1 have produced some stunning final pieces of art from our Louis Masai Michel unit of work. The children in Y1AP used oil pastels to create images of endangered animals, and added abstract detail and patterns in the style of Louis Masai Michel. Well done everyone!
FS2 Piet Mondrian Art Study!

This week, FS2 are exploring the artwork of Piet Mondrian. We’re creating our own versions of his abstract paintings! We’ve talked about the shapes, colours and patterns we can see, and have made sure we make the lines as straight as possible. We’re also enjoying observational drawing and painting tulips. Well done everyone!
Student Council Meeting!

The student council have been busy asking their classmates what equipment they would like to have for their playground. They then had a meeting, and the council members gave feedback on their individual classes. After this, they gave the final list to Mr Holmes and they are hoping to have some new equipment to enjoy […]