Y2 Bobble Read Along!

Last Friday, Y2 took part in a live author read along. They read the book ‘Bobble’ and listened to the real life experience of Gulwali Passarlay, who had to leave his country of birth when he was a teenager, because it was no longer a safe place. They discussed how this must have felt, and how […]
Outdoor Club!

Outdoor Club had a great time last week! They were filling the planters they prepared last term with layers of bark chippings and compost. They then planted a nice range of bedding plants like coleus, tagetes and begonias. The children will be watering everything at lunchtimes when needed and hopefully, there will be a vibrant display […]
Eco-schools Green Flag award! 🟢

Aston Hall eco-council have been working incredibly hard this year to achieve the Eco-schools Green Flag award. And they have done it! Eco-schools awarded our school with the green flag for the following reasons: “Creating such a large Eco-Committee! Pupils in your school are clearly very passionate about environmental issues and willing to go above and […]
Y3/4 Explore Angles!

This week, Y3/4 have been identifying and exploring acute, obtuse and right angles. A right angle is 90°, an acute angle is less than 90°, and an obtuse angle is between 90° and 180°. Great work everyone! What angles are hiding around your home?
FS2 Sea Creature Stories!

This half term in FS2, we have been asking ourselves, who lives in the sea? We have started learning about various sea creatures, and have been enjoying a collection of stories about them! On top of this, the pirate dinosaur collection has been particularly popular this week. As well as the role-play areas, such as […]
The Return of Outdoor Club!

Outdoor Club are feeling very proud this week, as they have finally been able to plant some beautiful blooms in the planters they restored last half term! They also had a visit from Bobby’s grandad Norman, who helped them drill holes for drainage and gave some expert planting tips. They can’t wait to watch the […]
Y5/6 Whitby Residential!

Before half term, both Y5 and Y6 visited Whitby for Aston Hall’s residential, and they had such a brilliant time with lots of fun and learning! They took part in many activities, including Dracula poetry at the Abbey, ghost walks, fossil hunting, fish and chips, the RNLI, rock pooling, and a visit to Robin Hood’s Bay. […]
KS1/2 Recycling Project!

Before half term, KS1 and lower KS2 took part in a recycling under the sea project to work towards receiving our eco schools green flag application. They all used some recycling from home, then designed and made their own sea creature. They also looked at how litter can harm the animals in the ocean, and […]
Y4 Rotherham Titans Visit!

Last week, Rotherham Titans paid a visit to Year 4, they attended a classroom session all about nutrition and healthy foods. They also took part in a practical PE session with super fun, rugby games. Well done everyone!
Outdoor Club!

Outdoor Club have had a brilliant half term! They have painted, planted and learnt so much about growing. The potatoes are earthing up nicely, the flower seeds have germinated and are now thriving seedlings, and each child planted and took home their very own sunflower on our last session this week. Well done everyone!