Aston Hall Visited by University Lecturer!

This week, we’ve had an exciting Careers assembly delivered by Luke Williams. Luke is a lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University but has worked in the PE and sport industry for many years, within the Youth Sport Trust and School Games. He has also been involved in major sporting events such as the Winter Olympics, Commonwealth Games […]
KS1 Storytelling with Beth Guiver!

This week, KS1 were lucky enough to receive a story telling session delivered by a professional storyteller, Beth Guiver! Beth told exciting and immersive folk tales using props, instruments and songs. The children were so engaged throughout, and especially loved joining in with the pirate song. Well done KS1, and thank you Beth! Find out more below:Beth Guiver […]
EYFS Cleethorpes Trip!

This term, the question we are asking ourselves is ‘who lives in the sea?’ So, EYFS had a brilliant trip to Cleethorpes! Whilst travelling on the coach, we looked out for different vehicles, landmarks and the seasonal changes of Summer. When we arrived, we had a lovely walk along the promenade to try and spot […]
Y6 Ice Cream!

As Year 6 didn’t manage to have their ice creams whilst they were on their Whitby residential, they had a well deserved visit from the ice cream van on last week. It was certainly the perfect weather for it!
Y5/6 Clay Geography!

In Geography, UKS2 have been learning how erosion changes the coastal landscape! In their recent learning, they made a 3D clay model showing a crack, notch, cave, arch, stack, and stump. After this, they wrote an explanation describing how each rock formation is formed. Well done everyone!
Y3 Textile Art!

In Y3PB, they have been learning about the textiles artist, Lesley Richmond. The children created their own nature inspired artwork, using outdoor materials and a variety of textiles, to create a beautiful textured piece of nature art. Well done everyone!
Refugee Week 2024

It is Refugee Week 2024, and we have been learning all about refugees and what it means to be a refugee. We have watched informative videos and listened to first person accounts of people’s experiences. Y3 produced a class poem about what they had learnt, and each class has developed a better understanding of this […]
Number Bonds in FS2!

The children in FS2 are learning all of the number bonds up to 10! In pairs, they take turns putting down red counters that make a number within 10, and their partner has to say how many more to make 10. Then they fill the spaces with the yellow counters. Together, they say the stem […]
Y5/6 Cricket!

We are super proud of our Aston Hall Cricket Team. They played fantastically, winning three games, as well as scoring a century in one game! They came second in their group, and scored a lot of fours and sixes. Well done everyone!
Aston Hall Proud Nominations!

This week, lots of children have received ‘Proud Nominations’ and have been visiting the proud podium, well done to all of you: ⭐ Willow – for being a super helper in class volunteering to do monitor jobs and helping others in class completing their poetry work. How wonderful Willow. ⭐ Jacob – for always […]