“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Y2GD Visit Conisbrough Castle

Year 2GD had an amazing trip to Conisbrough Castle! We learnt all about when the castle was built, who loved there and the different jobs people did. We learnt about what life was life in the castle 850 years ago. We looked around the castle and found the different castle features. We even went to the top […]

Looking after our Mental Health – World Mental Health Day

Tuesday 10th October was World Mental Health Day. The children across school took part in different activities to help them realise how important it is to look after and talk about their mental health. Year 3 thought about the people who support us and made a web of connections. We talked about how can look […]

Black History Month Assembly

This morning, we had an online assembly focusing on influential black women who have made positive impacts to our lives. This included sportspeople, musicians, politicians and more. 

School Council 2023/24

This morning, our School Council met for the first time this academic year. We were able to taste some potential new menu items for our school and discussed as a group what we might like to see on our menu in the future. The children did a great job and this will hopefully be the first of […]

September careers – English – Stacey Sampson visit

As part of our Careers curriculum, we welcomed Stacey Sampson to school for a special assembly. Each month we have a focus subject as part of our careers curriculum, with September being English.  Stacey visited to tell the children all about her life as an actor, writer, director and performer. Stacey has starred in many films […]

World Smile Day😁

Today, we have been celebrating World Smile Day by sharing a smile😁. Smile tokens have been handed out for those sharing a smile or making someone smile. Also, children have talked about what makes them smile and what they can do to make others smile😃 Then, at lunchtime children have taken part in creating their very […]

School Games Bowling Competition

Our children in UKS2 had an amazing time at the Rotherham Schools Game Panathlon competition at Hollywood Bowl on Thursday.  We even had members of our team join the 100 club. Well done everyone!

EYFS are learning all about Autumn

This half term EYFS are learning all about Autumn. We’re noticing Autumnal changes outside, talking about the animals we’ll see and what clothes we may need to wear. We have particularly enjoyed learning about hedgehogs and their lifestyle. We have  made hedgehog homes in the workshop and construction area. We thought about how to make them warm, […]

Year 3 Clay Creations

Y3PB created Anglo Saxon masks using clay. We studied the masks and then planned our own. Next, we practiced how to best use clay and then used tools to sculpt our final creation. We then painted them.

Year 6 Visit Crucial Crew

Y6 had a fantastic day at Crucial Crew last week. Throughout the day, we took part in lots of different scenarios to help us be independent and safe now that we’re aged 10 and criminally responsible. We learnt about fire and water safety, knife and hate crime, child criminal exploitation as well as how to […]

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