Money Matters

As part of our Money Matters learning, we have learnt about different methods of payment, what we could pay for with each one and some advantages and disadvantages of these too!
Spooky Season Has Arrived

It’s the beginning of the spooky season for FS2. We are reading the story ‘Room on the Broom’ and have done lots of linked activities. We have drawn and painted a variety of pumpkins, retold the story using props and masks, created our own spooky characters and lots more.
Aston Hall SEND Roundup

Our latest SEND roundup is here. Click the button below to take a look at what we’ve been up to. Read the Roundup
Clay Creations

We have completed an art project on Anglo-Saxons focusing on their masks. The children sculpted and designed a mask onto clay and then painted them the following week to add detail and texture to their designs.
Elderly Science Experiment

Y3/4 have been exploring human development through each stage. Feotus, baby, toddler, child, adolescent, young adult, adult, and eventually the elderly! We wondered if we would look anything like this in 60 years’ time! #timetravel #justforfun
Money Matters

Y3/4 have been exploring the appreciation and importance of keeping track of the money. We explored how we could make payments using different coins to begin to understand how to track and record the money we have and the money we have spent.
Jenny York Author Visits Aston Hall

We were very fortunate this week to receive a visit from children’s author Jenny York. Jenny delivered two sessions to EYFS/KS1 and KS2. The children loved participating in the fun and interactive story telling!
WPT Young Musician of the Year 2023

On Thursday 12th October, WPT held the finals of the Young Musician of the Year competition. This was a fantastic evening with 25 students from KS1 to KS4 competing. There was a wide range of instruments and styles of music played from Heavy Metal to Classical. All the secondary schools had students competing and some […]
Conisbrough Castle Trip🏰

The Year 1 children really enjoyed their trip to Conisbrough Castle last Tuesday. We tried on medieval clothes, learnt about the lives of the medievals and explored the castle. We even climbed all the way to the top!🏰
Aston Hall Sports Leaders look after our playground

Our Sports Leaders are doing an amazing job ensuring that playground games and activities are set up every lunchtime. They are demonstrating their confidence by leading games and looking after the outdoor equipment. The sports leaders are playing an invaluable role in encouraging others to try new games and sports. Thank you and well done guys!