Aston Hall Harvest 2023

Aston Hall celebrated harvest festival last half term. 🍂🍎 Vicar Loveday came in to share our celebration and each class presented either a poem, a song or shared their art work. This was a lovely afternoon where Aston Hall came together to celebrate harvest.
Money Matters at Aston Hall

To help children’s financial literacy, we teach Money Matters lessons every half term. Our recent lessons in school have focused on identifying notes and coins and knowing their value, being able to handle money confidently and knowing different methods of paying for goods and services.
Meet Fuggle 🥰🐰

Fuggle is our new addition to the Aston Hall Family he will be residing in our rainbow room with Mrs Lindley. 🐇🌈 Having a Rabbit in school will benefit the children from creating a special bond and help care for him while embracing responsibility and empathy and receive comfort and love in return.
Y4HS Vocabulary Learning

In our last week before half term, we gathered vocabulary outside for our autumn themed poem which was inspired by Jacqueline Wilson’s ‘Brown Girl Dreaming’. The children worked hard to plan and write their poems. They then edited their work and published their poems using chromebooks.
Addams Family Fun

Before half term, Year 5 went to Gainsborough Academy to watch their production of ‘The Addams Family’. 🦇🕸 We all really enjoyed the show and we were even lucky enough to meet the cast at the end! Well done everyone. 🌟
Pop’s Visit Year 1/2

Y1 and Y1/2 had a great opportunity for a one off visit in to the wild area with Pop’s this week. 🌲😃 This was linked to our science topic, where we went on a mini beast hunt! The children found mini beasts such as spiders, wood lice and slugs. They loved every minute. 🐞🕷
Staying Safe Online

Last week, UKS2 had a visit from South Yorkshire police to learn more about e-safety. We learnt about how to keep ourselves safe online, especially with regards to talking to people we don’t know, and what to do if something online worries us. We also learnt about the age restrictions on different apps as well […]
Proud Pledge Earners

At Aston Hall, lots of children have been achieving a variety of WPT Primary pledges. This week, some children had achieved all 3 pledges within a bronze, silver or gold pledge category – either life skills, active citizenship or cultural experiences. This earned them their special pledge certificates that were presented in celebration assembly. Well […]
Notes home from the Head

Over the past few weeks, a number of children across school have been rewarded with special ‘notes home from the headteacher’ after being noticed by staff for something special that we just need to let parents / carers know about. Today, Sehaj and George in Y6 were the most recent recipients. Sehaj has been amazing […]
Would you eat a Snozzcumber?

The Snozzcumber resembles a cucumber but differs in various respects. It varies from nine to twelve feet long. It is striped lengthwise black and white, with wart-like growths all over its surface. It, along with Frobscottle, is the sole diet of the BFG. Y3/4 have the task of not only trying them but they now […]