Fuggle Update

New addition to Aston Hall Fuggle the rabbit has settled in so well, the children have enjoyed taking care of him and he’s one very lucky rabbit! Mrs Lindley is very proud of all the children and the way they are taking care of him.
Notes home from the Headteacher

More children around school have been nominated by staff for doing something / behaving in a way around school that just can’t go unrewarded. Blossom, Harvey, Heath, Emily, Stan and Aariya have all received notes home from the head recently for showing the Aston Hall Way in a special way. Well done everyone!
The 100 Club – 100% Attendance in Autumn 1

After half term we celebrated 170 children in school we had achieved 100% attendance for the first half term of the school year, and are therefore the inaugural members of our new ‘The 100 Club’. These children were presented with their certificates and will be able to take part in special events and activities just for […]
Pie Corb Crocodile

No animal is half as vile as Crocky Woc the crocodile! Y3/4 are currently exploring performance poetry, recalling and reciting in many different ways. We looked at how illustrations, actions, drama, and puppetry could help us recite recall and give us the confidence to perform!
Utilita Kids Cup Tournament

What a fantastic day for Aston Hall Junior & Infant School when we took part in the Utiliita Kids Cup Tournament 2023. The Year 5 & 6 boys performed amazingly and showed excellent team work, super communication skills and represented the values of the Aston Hall Way core values. We came first in our group […]
With Me In Mind Visit UKS2

UKS2 had a visit from With Me In Mind last week who led a workshop based on cyberbullying. We spent time discussing how to identify cyberbullying as well as the effects it could have on somebody. We then discussed what to do if we experienced unkindness or bullying online and the importance of talking about […]
Y3/4 Take on the Ilam Park Trail

Last week, LKS2 classes went on a trip to Ilam Park in the Peak District. We had a great day using maps to follow a route and recognise landmarks and geographical features. The children walked over 3 miles in total and clocked up approximately 15,000 steps! They also loved negotiating through the muddiest parts of […]
Pops Outdoor Art – Black History Month

Year 6 had a great first outdoor learning session with Pops with a focus on Black History Month. We learnt about the influential African-American artist, Alma Thomas, and her work with abstract art and colour that was often inspired by the natural world. We then used this learning to create our own artwork using natural […]
Sheffield Children’s Hospital Meeting

We had a visit last Thursday morning from Sheffield Children’s Hospital all about the charity and fundraising. The children learnt about where our fundraising money goes and how we sponsor a snowflake light near every Christmas period. Our school council met and discussed fundraising ideas and tips with our visitor. We also elected our Trust Council […]
Monty the Hedgehog Visits FS2

This half term FS2 are learning about people in our community that help us. Today we had a special visit from Monty the hedgehog and Pauline from For the Love of Hedgehogs Rescue and Rehabilitation Charity in Rotherham. 🦔🥰 The children loved hearing all about Monty and the special jobs Pauline does to make sure […]