Proud Podium Superstars ✨

Well done to Joshua, Amity and Harry who have been to the Proud Podium last week for amazing progress in their writing, particularly in their pride and presentation of their work. The progress from September to now has been amazing, well done you three!
Exploring the moon with POP’s Outdoor Adventure

This week, we had outdoor learning with Pop’s Outdoor Adventure looking at the moon. This is linked to our Science topic of space. We gathered materials to create the background of a picture, learnt facts about the different phases of the moon and then used spray paints to create some amazing images of the moon […]
LKS2 Novel Study 📚

LKS2 classes had an exciting start to the new year through the launch of their new novel study text. The children all solved an anagram to discover the book’s title then did a crossword puzzle to find out more clues and used these to create a book cover design! We can now reveal our new book […]
Making Rainbows 🌈

Wow!! Mrs Lindley was very impressed this week. Children made their very own rainbow rice, then worked super hard as a team to make a rainbow. Well done Rainbows, great team work!! 🌟🌈🌟
Pop’s Outdoor Adventure 🍃🌲

What great POP’S outdoor adventure sessions the Year 4 children have experienced over the last few weeks, Viking battles, den building and natural stencils art – with much more to come! Thank You POP’S!
Writing Progression

Y3/4KW have really shown progression in their writing this week – can you follow their instructions of how to wash an elephant?
Aston Hall’s Nativity Play Raises Money for NHS Charity’s Tiny Toes Appeal

Nativity stars at Aston Hall raised £180 for the Rotherham Hospital and Community Charity’s Tiny Toes appeal by selling the show’s programmes. Children appearing in ‘Baarmy Bethlehem’ and ‘Lights, Camel Action!’ in December were inspired to fundraise by families within the school community who have spent time on the neonatal unit at Rotherham Hospital. They included […]
KS1 The History of Toys Topic

As part of our History learning, KS1 children have started learning about toys. This week we were fortunate enough to have two visitors, Mrs Worn and her mother who bought toys from the past that have been in their family for years. We had lots of discussion about what toys were like in the past […]
Mrs Lindley’s Biscuit and Book Club

Children enjoyed week 2 of Mrs Lindley’s book and biscuit club where they made their very own personalised book marks. 😊📚
Fuggle Update! 🐰

Mrs Lindley would just like to say a very very big thank you to our parents for their donations towards Fuggle, he really enjoys his treats alongside his new cosy bedding and hay! He’s a lucky rabbit!! ❤🐇