SEND Roundup

Our latest SEND roundup is here! Click the button below to see what we’ve been up to. Click here
Student Council World Book Day Meeting

Our Aston Hall student council met as a group, discussed World Book Day and decided on a theme for this year through a vote. This will be announced soon! 🌎📚 Children returned to class to promote reading and World Book Day which is quickly approaching…watch this space!
Aston Hall cares about Climate Change

On Monday, Aston Hall welcomed James from Energy Sparks to come and speak to us about climate change and how we use electricity and gas in school. He held an assembly which focused on the story of Robert Falcon Scott and Robert Swann. He explained how both these men reached the North and South Poles and […]
U11 Hockey South Yorkshire Finals

Last week, some of our Y5 & 6 boys represented our school at the U11 South Yorkshire Hockey Finals, held at Hill House school in Doncaster. A huge well done to the Y5&6 boys who represented our school so brilliantly. Against very tough opposition after progressing from the Rotherham finals, the boys worked together amazingly […]
LKS2 Link Learning Music Workshops

LKS2 have had music workshops with Zeb at Link Learning Education, who has composed music for films and adverts! He guided us through how to create a rap about a local landmark/attraction using rhyme and syllables to fit a beat. 🎶
Who’s Been Eating My Porridge? – EYFS Study Goldilocks

There was a break-in at The Three Bears Cottage! I wonder who it could have been? Once the mess had been tidied up in the Three Bears Cottage, we enjoyed retelling the story and dressing up as the Three Bears. We also enjoyed following instructions to make some porridge. The best part was eating it! […]
Y2 Study ‘The Tunnel’📚

Over the last few weeks, Y2 have been reading ‘The tunnel’ for our Novel Study. When we reached the part where the girl crawls through the tunnel, we made predictions for what might be on the other side. Children then designed their own worlds based on their prediction. The next week, we then wrote our […]
Spring Flowers at Cross Stitch Club

Mrs Wall’s cross stitch club are doing a great job on their little spring flower project. Holly was the first to finish hers this week! 💐
January Careers Focus – Science – Jenny Hyland Visit

This month, we had another fantastic assembly with a visitor linked to our careers curriculum focus for January, which is Science. Jenny Hyland, a parent of a child in school, is the director of global learning & development for WeightWatchers She gave a brilliant presentation to the children about how her interests in subjects at school led […]
Y3PB January Careers Curriculum – Science

For our January careers curriculum on Science, we’ve learned about the job of a Palaeontologist. Children discussed whether they would like that job or not giving reasons for their choice and also thought about the skills they would need to develop for it. Suggestions made were for confidence, patience and willingness to get dirty!