Emile Spelling Competition

This week, the children have been taking part in a spelling competition through Emile. We have all been really impressed with how many children have taken part in this – some children have correctly spelled over 2000 words in three days which is fantastic! As a result of their incredible efforts, we achieved first place […]
Proud Podium Superstars 🌟

This week, we’ve had some more visitors to the Proud Podium for a wide range of reasons. Tommy and Tobias in EYFS have been spending lots of their time being creative in the workshop and have made some amazingly thoughtful creations. Tobias created a Supertato themed bus linked to the book they’re reading this week, […]
A Greener Future for Aston Hall

This week, FS2 had a great chat with Dave, the Project Manager from Genfit who is responsible for installing solar panels on our school’s roof. Dave explained how the panels would generate electricity for the school and showed us the excavator used to deliver the panels to the roof. We were amazed by how high […]
May the odds ever be in UKS2’s favour

Y5 and Y6 have had a fantastic time taking part in our very own Hunger Games! We began on our launch platforms with our bags held in the centre cornucopia, waited nervously for the countdown and then were off! Some alliances held strong, some saw betrayals and other people headed off alone, ready for battle. […]
Careers Curriculum – A Special Visitor to our assembly

This afternoon we welcomed a special visitor to school. Gully mouse and some staff from Gulliver’s Valley Theme Park visited as part of our monthly careers assemblies. They spoke about all the different jobs and careers that are needed for a theme park to run, and gave us a glimpse behind the scenes at the […]
Year 5/6 Visit the National Coal Mining Museum

This week, Y5 and Y6 had a fantastic time visiting the National Coal Mining Museum linked to our history topic: The Miners’ Strike. We learnt so many interesting things about how mining changed over time and even got the opportunity to go underground and experience a real mine! All of Y5 and Y6 were brilliantly […]
Dough Disco After School Club

Week 1 of Mrs Lindley’s dough disco after school club was a great success. Dough disco involves moulding play dough in time to music and performing different actions such as rolling it into a ball, flattening it, putting each individual finger into the dough, rolling it into a sausage and squeezing it. This really improves […]
FS2 Weave a Masterpiece!

We are incredibly proud of the children in FS2. They have crafted a beautiful wall hanging inspired by the talented artist, Anna Ray. Each child carefully chose a ribbon or material of their liking and skillfully weaved it in and out of the wool. It’s amazing to see such young artists, aged just four and […]
Outdoor Maths Learning

It’s been a busy week in FS2 with lots of outdoor Maths learning and we have enjoyed reading our book of the week, Superworm!
Final Art Topic Pieces

We had a great afternoon making our final piece for our Art topic. 🎨🧵 We have been looking at the artist Lizette Chirrime and how she creates her work. We have used a range of materials to create our final piece. The kids loved it!