FS2 Cannon Hall Visit!
FS2 had a fantastic time at Cannon Hall Farm! We started the day with a tour of the animals led by the Farmers. The children saw a variety of farm animals such as pigs, sheep, goats, alpacas, highland cows as well as some more unusual animals – meerkats, mongoose, ferrets, and reptiles in the reptile […]
Eureka! A KS2 Day Out
On Wednesday the Year 3 and 4 children enjoyed their visit to Eureka! As part of their Science topic. The children played and experimented with interactive exhibits which brought their learning to life! They watched a Science show full of exciting experiments and hands-on science demos, their teachers’ hands were even set on fire! The children represented […]
KS1 Visit Scarborough
Last week, the Year 1 and 2 children enjoyed their visits to Scarborough as part of their History and Geography topics. The children learnt about the history of seaside holidays in a workshop at the local art gallery. They tried on Victorian clothing, visited the local museum and walked along the seafront to look at […]
Y5/6 Orienteering Day
Year 5/6AC had a great time at Ulley orienteering! 🧭 During our visit, everyone worked together in teams to read a map, solve problems and locate key points to complete the orienteering activity. We had a great visit and we are all looking forward to visiting again as part of our residential in July. 🤩
Miss Poole Recommends
Miss Poole Recommends, The Invisible String by Patrice Karst, illustrated by Joanne Lew-Vriethoff. We love to promote reading and a love of books at Aston Hall. ❤ That’s why the Aston Hall staff team and I will be regularly recommending some of our firm favourites. My first recommendation is The Invisible String. First introduced to me […]
Parent Coffee Morning with Specialist Inclusion Team
On Wednesday 7th June, we welcomed Julie Green from the Specialist Inclusion Team into school for an informative coffee morning based around Autism and Special Educational Needs. Julie works closely with the school to support pupils and promote strategies to enhance learning for all. The morning included a short presentation from Julie and then an opportunity to mingle, ask questions […]
KS1 Artist Visit
This week KS1 were lucky enough to have an outdoor workshop with the Artist, James Brunt. Years 1 & 2 all had turns working on the woodland floor mural with James using all natural resources found in our wild area. The children thoroughly enjoyed their session with James and has lots of questions to ask […]
Y4HS Novel Study Learning
Last half term the children were planning, redrafting and writing a narrative focused on our Novel Study book, The Stormkeeper’s Island. The children worked extremely hard to include all of the features we had worked on during our two week learning journey and produced some amazing stories in their Best Books. 🖊📖
Y1AP Artist Focus
Last term, our focus artist in Y1 was Romero Britto. The children engaged so well with this topic and loved learning about abstract pop art! We created our own unique pieces of art inspired by his work. Our learning journey included sketching shapes and patterns, creating colour wheels, mixing colours, and working on our final […]
Y3/4PB Science
Last half term in Science, our class have been investigating lots of things. We have looked at how sound travels, how the pitch and volume of sounds can be changed, how electricity is transported and how to create electrical circuits. 💡