“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Y4/4PB – Create Petraforms

In History, this half term Y4/4PB, have been learning about The Stone Age and have based their artwork on this theme. We have created petraforms from stones that we found on the school grounds. We then made Stone Age stories using clay and symbols and have also developed our sketching skills, creating a ‘cave’ art […]

FS2 Celebrate Diwali, the Festival of Light

Today FS2 had a brilliant time celebrating Diwali, the festival of light by taking part in a range of different activities. They designed their own Mehndi hand patterns using black ink pens, created Rangoli window decorations to take home, used their fine motor skills to add buttons to a Rangoli pattern, and constructed their own […]

School Games Gold Award 2021/2022

On Wednesday Mr Walker, who is our Rotherham School Games Organiser and Wickersley Partnership Trust’s sports development manager, came to deliver our School Games Gold Award for 2021/2022 during an assembly. He talked highly of our children and said that he was proud of our school for the commitment and attitudes we displayed during all […]

High tea with the CEO

On Tuesday 18th October, 11 students from across the school at Aston Hall J&I were selected by their teachers and Headteacher, Mr. Holmes, to attend a ‘High tea with the CEO’ in recognition of their notable achievements recently in/out of school. Mrs. O’Brien was joined by Mrs. Lee, and they had a wonderful morning with […]

Y1 Share Thoughts and Opinions

Children in Y1 have really been enjoying their Novel study text ‘Handa’s Surprise’. In a series of lessons, we explored the question “Was it okay for the animals to steal fruit from Handa’s basket?” We used role play and a ‘conscience alley’ to share our thoughts and opinions and then we had a debate on […]

Rotherham School Games

On Friday 7th October some of our Y5/6  took part in the first event in the Rotherham School Games’ 2022/23 calendar, which was Tag Rugby. Over 300 children attended and the competition was tough but it was great to see our children working together, being resilient, and enjoying the festival. What a great start to […]

Y2 Amazing Oracy Skills

This term as part of our learning about Handa’s surprise we took part in a debate. We thought about why the animals might have stolen the fruit and came up with our own ideas. Next we thought about whether the animals should have stolen the fruit and thought about arguments for and against the animals […]

Y1/2 Geography Features

This half term in Geography, Y1/2 have been looking at the local area and trying to spot physical and human features of our area. We have looked at our amazing view and have been able to say where the features are. We then took this information back into the classroom and created a drawing, labeling […]

World Mental Health Day 🌎

At Aston Hall our WMIM Student Ambassadors certainly helped promote positive well-being throughout our school. During lunchtime, the Ambassadors set up an area, under the outside gazebo. Students were then able to take part in activities such as mindful colouring, crafts, and games. It was a great success! So much so that after half term, […]

Y5 Reading Wonder

In English, we have been enjoying reading our novel study book Wonder and have used the events in this novel to write diary entries from August’s point of view. We have used role play and freeze frame to help us to understand Auggie’s thoughts and feelings throughout the day of Halloween and how and why […]

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