“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Christmas Fayre Success

Our Friends of Aston Hall parent group, along with Mrs Hicks and the school staff, put on an amazing Christmas Fayre last week, with Father Christmas himself being a big hit. We raised an amazing £1646 for school, with the School Council and Friends of Aston Hall group now working together on deciding what to […]

Free School Meals Christmas Holiday Club

There will be a Christmas Health and Food Christmas Club at Clifton Community School, funded by Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council.  The provision is for children and families in receipt of Free School Meals only.  Monday 20th December 2021 – Thursday 23rd December 2021  10am – 2pm Families must book via the link below or the […]

Y5 Rocksteady Concert Performance

Next week, our children who take part in Rocksteady will be performing a concert in school. However, due to a clash with a trip to The Gainsborough Academy to see their panto ‘Cinderella’, any Y5 members will not be in school to take part, so have recorded their performance instead. Watch it here 👇

Christmas Card Competition Winner

As a school, we encouraged our children to take part in our local MPs Christmas Card competition. Designing the card that Alexander Stafford MP for Rother Valley will send out to all including the Prime Minister Boris Johnson. One of our pupils, Joshua Simcox in Y3 won the competition. Attached is a picture of his […]

Raffle Winner

We recently held a raffle to raise money for Maltby Rother Valley Lions and Holly Barber was the lucky winner of the Christmas Advent Tree. The money raised from the raffle will help some of the great causes that Maltby Lions support.

Children In Need!

Students across all year groups got involved this year to help raise money for Children in Need, through individual fundraising and sponsored activities! Thank you to all the staff, students, and parents/carers who helped us to raise an incredible £3,325.95 an amazing effort for such a worthy cause.

Random Acts of Kindness

To raise money for Children in Need, LKS2 children thought of random acts of kindness to complete throughout the week, gaining sponsors for doing them all. We saw the children do lots of thoughtful things during this time from helping out at home to holding doors open for others and giving compliments to their peers. In […]

Y5/6 Deliver Flyers for our Carols in the Community Event

Y5/6 were out in the community on Friday afternoon delivering flyers to neighbours’ houses to advertise our Carols in the Community event on Wednesday 8th December. We worked hard to create eye-catching and informative flyers, and everyone showed brilliant manners and sensible behaviour whilst walking around our local area. 

Y5 Take On The Climbing Wall

Today, our Year 5 students have been taking on the WPT climbing wall – facing their fears and having lots of fun along the way! Well done, Year 5s!

Aston Hall Students Visit Climbing Wall 🧗‍♂️

Last week, some of our students got to visit the climbing wall over at Cranworth, with the expert guidance of the Wickersley Partnership Trust PE team! Everyone had a go at scaling the wall and helping their friends with some belaying.

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