Y5KW’s Celebration of The Hunger Games
For World Book Day 2022, Y5KW had good fun dressing up as characters from The Hunger Games. We think they all look fantastic!
Uplift – Rotherham Skate & Arts Festival
During the half-term holidays, we promoted with our school community ‘Uplift – The Rotherham Skate and Arts Festival’ Rotherham town centre became an urban playground with a pop-up skate park, floor murals, workshops, live music, DJs, and more! Skating and BMX workshops were led by GB Olympic level pros Alex Hallford, Jordan Thackery, and Jack […]
Foundation Stage’s Valentine’s Day
On Valentine’s day FS made Valentine’s cards for our special people. We used the materials of our choice to create a love heart.
Someone’s Been Eating My Porridge!
There was a break in at The Three Bears Cottage! I wonder who it could have been? The children in Foundation have been searching for and listing clues. Once the mess had been tidied up in the Three Bears Cottage, we enjoyed retelling the story and dressing up as the Three Bears. We also enjoyed […]
FS Busy Bakers
Not only have we been busy baking and serving in our bakery role-play area, we have also been busy baking real bread and gingerbread men in our school kitchen. We have followed recipes and measured our ingredients to create our delicious snacks.
Who’s That Trip Trapping Over My Bridge?
We have been using chalk pastels to create our own unique troll pictures. We thought about the features of a troll and used our imagination to create our masterpieces.
Kung Hei Fat Choy!
We have enjoyed learning about how people all over the world celebrate Chinese New Year. In the role-play area we have had a Chinese restaurant where the children have been taking orders, preparing food and even using chopsticks. The highlight of the week was taking part in our very own dragon parade. Look how busy we have been experimenting with […]
Y2 Study Anthony Gormley
This half term Y2 have studied Anthony Gormley within our art lessons. Children have explored his sculptures and how they made them feel. They have also recreated the sculptures in the wild area during outdoor learning with POPs. During our art sessions, children have designed their own version of Anthony Gormley’s “Field for the British […]
KS1 Learn about Antony Gormley
In art, KS1 have enjoyed learning about Antony Gormley’s Field for the British Isles. This inspired us to create our own ‘Field for Aston Hall. The children created their own unique clay sculptures in the style of Antony Gormley. Y1KL and Y1/2 held a mini-exhibition in our classrooms this week to showcase our wonderful work. […]
Y3/4RB Learn about the body!
We created our own digestive system to show how food moves through the body. We had lots of fun and things got a little bit messy!