U9 Girls Football Tournament
Yesterday some girls took part in an U9s football tournament run by Rotherham School Games. They did fantastically well! We saw some great teamwork, attitude and footballing ability. They came 4th out of 8 schools and did incredibly well to say it is one of the first times they’ve played competitively. With the women’s Euros […]
WPT Introduces Uniform Bank Scheme
At a time when a lot of families are tightening their belts, we’re aware that many could benefit from a little extra support when it comes to buying school uniforms and other essentials – such as coats and PE kits – that children need for school. That’s why we’ve decided to create a Trust-wide uniform […]
Y4TS’ World Book Day
Year 4 had a fantastic World Book Day! We focussed our learning on the book ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’. We imagined what objects in our classroom would say if they could talk and by the end of the day we wrote some hilarious letters to Y4 from our classroom objects! Who knew they […]
Y6 Celebrate World Book Day
Y6OL had an amazing time celebrating WBD 2022: forming quiz teams to demonstrate their knowledge of literature, creating WBD momentos of their favourite books using mini art on 2p coins, class swapping to Y1, and performing a moving tribute to Rue from the Hunger Games at our memorial showcase. Lots of fun and some outstanding, […]
Y5/6 Boys Qualify Through to Rotherham Finals
On Monday 7th March we entered another football tournament run by Rotherham School Games. This time, the U11’s played and some of our Y5/6s attended. In total, 16 schools attended and we played in 2 groups. The top team from each group would go through, we came top in our group meaning we qualified through […]
Y2 Celebrate World Book Day
Year 2 had an amazing World Book Day! We wrote about the characters we had dressed as, enjoyed reading our books and went to visit another class during the morning. In the afternoon we read more of our class book “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” and then we used the description of the […]
Y3/4RB’s World Book Day
For World Book Day, we shared some of this book, thought of villains we know in books and what their powers and weaknesses are. Then the children created their own Supervillain and chose the type of writing they wanted to do about their villain. They presented some of their writing in a whole school assembly. Here […]
Y3/4 Take 2nd Place in U9s Football Tournament
On Thursday 3rd March, some boys from Y3/4 took part in an U9s football tournament run by Rotherham School Games. They played against 11 other Rotherham schools and we came 2nd out of them all! This means we have qualified through to the Rotherham Finals. We are so proud of the teamwork and effort they […]
World Book Day With Y3MH
Y3MH had a wonderful World Book Day! We made superhero potatoes, read The Twits and took part in some lovely activities.
Y1/2AP Celebrate World Book Day
We have had a fantastic World Book Day in Y1/2AP. We enjoyed drawing and writing about our favourite characters, creating fantasy worlds to showcase in assembly and taking part in a class swap where we made alien bookmarks! Everyone looked amazing!