Carols in the Community 🎄
The event will begin at 4pm on the KS1 yard where we will gather for hot chocolate and mince pies, before beginning with singing a few of our favourite Christmas carols outside school on Church Lane. We will then proceed to two other locations, the grass verge on All Saints way at approximately 4:30pm and the bottom of […]
Aston Hall Christmas Fayre – Tuesday 7th December, 2.30pm
Our Christmas Fayre will be held at our school on Tuesday 7th December at 2.30pm. Join us for lots of business stalls and stalls run by the children, our popular cakes and refreshments stall, and a doughnut van. There will even be a chance to meet Father Christmas!
KS1 – Children In Need
KS1 enjoyed participating in an assault course to raise money for Children In Need. They especially enjoyed the tunnel challenge! We also completed CIN activities in class. Well done, KS1!
Y5 Learn about the Human Body
In class Y5 students learned about the human body and where our organs are. To illustrate what we learned we got creative with collage and crafts. Well done Y5!
Pupils Learn About the Emergency Services! 🚨
The Police and Fire Safety crews visited our school last week to share information with us about how to stay safe on dark nights and especially on Bonfire Night. We loved seeing some great examples of ‘Stop, Drop, Roll’ in the assembly! They told us about their job roles and how they help us. We also […]
FS2 Autumn Update
LiteracyThis half term in literacy we have looked at all things Autumn and woodland. We have engrossed ourselves into many books. First, we really loved the novel ‘Owl Babies’ and it created lots of factual discussions about owls. We explored the question ‘what are talons? We enjoyed story sequencing, drawing and writing about our favourite […]
Alfie Cycles 7 Miles to Raise Money for Charity
On 10th October – World Homeless Day – Aston Hall student, Alfie, cycled 7 miles on his 7th birthday to raise money for Rotherham homeless charity, Shiloh. Just before the half term, Alfie went for a tour of the charity building and met the staff. They presented him with a framed certificate and a huge […]
Harvest Festival Celebrations 🌾🍂
The children enjoyed celebrating Harvest Festival at Central Methodist Church. They all did a fantastic job with their performances and joined in with all the songs we had learnt. Thank you so much to everyone who sent in food donations too. These have been sent to the food bank.
We Have Signed Up to the Reading Guarantee
We have signed up to the South Yorkshire Reading Guarantee (SYRG). This is to show our commitment to every child learning to read and loving the world of books.
Y5/6AC World Mental Health Day
Y5/6AC had a brilliant day last week, exploring and promoting positive mental health and wellbeing. As part of the day we: Discussed some key elements of mental health, recognising different emotions and support available. We created positivity pebbles which we brought home and also hid around the school grounds in order to positively help ourselves and […]