Mental Health Ambassadors
Welcome and congratulations to our newly appointed WMIM school Ambassadors.
Billy, Eliza, Beatrice and Eve met with Gemma, from WMIM. After a welcome induction our Ambassadors were presented with their welcome packs and excitedly awaited for, WMIM pin badges.
Our Ambassadors are eager to get started on promoting positive wellbeing throughout our school and have already generated some great ways to do this!
What are the aims of the Wellbeing Ambassadors at Aston Hall?
- To spread kindness throughout school
- To promote ‘With Me In Mind’ via assemblies/posters
- To make sure that everyone in school knows who we are
- To give children the opportunity to attend a mindfulness colouring group
- To talk to teachers about mental health.
- Attend wellbeing ambassador events and collaborate with other wellbeing ambassadors to share ideas and good practice
Our WMIM ambassadors help promote a positive wellbeing throughout our school, share ideas on how our school can work together with the WMIM team to support students, attend WMIM events, meet with other ambassadors from other schools.
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