“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


Monitoring Attendance

Absence or lateness, for whatever reason, will adversely affect children’s education. It is a legal obligation for children to attend school regularly and punctually.

At Aston Hall, we operate a first day call system for all absent children – please contact 0114 2879811 as soon as possible on the first day of absence and leave a message stating the reason for the absence.  We would also appreciate it if you could notify your child’s class teacher and the school office of any medical or dental appointments.

Our class registers are monitored regularly by the LA and frequent or unexplained absence of more than three days will be reported to the Education Welfare Officer for the Aston Learning Community.

Punctuality and Attendance

The school day starts at 8:45am.  We would be most grateful if children could arrive on site no earlier than 8:30am as the school doors do not open until 8:35am.  No responsibility will be accepted for incidents or accidents occurring before this time as safety cannot be assured.

Punctuality is of vital importance. With the pace of teaching and learning, missing the first ten or fifteen minutes may set a child back for the whole day. Similarly please make every effort to ensure that your child attends school every day, missed days are extremely difficult to catch up with.


If a child is absent then the school has to be informed either by telephone, mobile, in writing or by clicking button below and filling in the form, otherwise, your child’s absence will be deemed unauthorised.

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